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Friday, September 23, 2011

Thing 10 I Am Awesome

Finally something I can do that's not giving me a headache or stressing me out!! Thank you Dr. Wall. I love the RSS feeder. It was easy to do and I understood it.

I joined the 5 sites that were suggested just until I can maneuver around various sites to see what I would enjoy on a daily basis.

RSS is a site that I will continue to use on a daily basis. It has a lot of good information for teachers to learn and follow interesting theories. Personally for me I could use this technology in my class for me to keep up with new information in our schools because they are growing at a very rapid speed.

I do not think this is something my student would enjoy or care to do, but as time and technology move on who knows I will surely keep it in mind and stay abreast of the up coming school information to see if it is something that would be used in the future.

I took Dr. Wall up on her challenge and made a public page. I have not done anything with it yet but when I did it I felt like I really accomplished something good and cannot wait until I get started.


  1. I love your images! It does look awesome! I hope I can come up with something creative like that.

  2. Just click on it and you will be able to make one, but truthfully I saw it on Melissa post she turned me on to the idea. Maybe you can figure out how we can change some things and make it even better for a future post.
