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Monday, October 17, 2011

Thing 20

Here is my video that I found from You tube. It is nothing professional I just thought it was kind of cute.

While exploring I realized that some of my family member that I will not name had already introduced me to You Tube. At the time I did not know what I was watching, they would just say hay Janie come look at this. Some of the things they had me to look at were kind of crazy. GIRL FIGHTS were some of the first videos that I saw but I did not know they were YOU TUBE this big fantastic place where people uploaded all kinds of interesting and crazy stuff.

I have an account on You Tube now, I had to get it if I wanted to watch some of the videos. I don't know if I will be uploading anything other than pictures but, my boys still want video cameras.

I embeded the code check out one of my favorite cartoon characters. CANDANCE

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