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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thing 17

Bookmarking is another exciting and powerful aspect I enjoyed with web 2.0. Once I started using a social bookmarking service and tagging all my bookmarks I found that it was much easier to do a quick search and tag to find the many websites that are interesting to me.

I joined delicious and found out that it was a part of Yahoo which was interesting I did not know that. I made my bookmarks available on multiple computers that I use, and the bookmarks that I already had was easily added to delicious.

Now guess what! My primary source of information is Google. So what did I do? All my bookmarks are now on my Google account, everything is in one place and one account provider just making my life easier trying out all this technology.

I also bookmarked I thought this was fun to do.I  also bookmarked the sandbox

I will continue to use all the tools that I have learned about there just making my life easier

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