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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thing 3

There are many ways that I could use my blog in my teacher education program. I am doing one right now. Collaborating, keeping in touch with my professor and fellow class mates. Were all working together continuing to learn and bringing together new idea's. Having my students set up a blog would be a great creative idea. Technology is a very good way to keep children engaged  in learning. I would have various links to different libraries on my blog this would surly make our young learners interested in reading all over again, instead of the traditional way going to the library to check out a book. It does not matter what grade level and the type of curriculum they are studying, blogging is the wave of the future. Technology in the class room. 

1 comment:

  1. I liked your plans for using blogging in the classroom, particularly the idea of setting up links to library websites. What a great way to incorporate reading into the curriculum and to promote the value of libraries. I also agree with your opinions about technology and how quickly it is taking over and changing the classroom dynamics. I agree that it is very useful for collaboration and helping to provide continuity and “big picture” thinking. I hope advancing technologies don’t make books and physical libraries obsolete, though. I regularly take my five year-old grandson to the local public library to introduce him to reading books the old-fashioned way, and he has a great time participating in library activities. He thinks libraries are great fun.
